- Species: Conure (See species list for details)
- Location: Lilburn, Georgia, United States 30047
- Date Found: June 15, 2012
- Banded: No
- Microchipped: No
While at the dry cleaners, I watched the conure fly from the parking lot, attempt to land on a man’s shoulder, then fly to the overhang. After recovering from being swatted to the ground, (s)he was stunned again when flying into the glass storefront . After a few moments on the pavement, (s)he reluctantly stepped on to my finger, but remained as I got into the car. Once home, (s)he ate/drank right away. Vet visit revealed (s)he was under weight and dehydrated. Since receiving shots for B12, calcium and hydration, (sh)he has really perked up!