
  • Species: Bird (See species list for details)
  • Location: Wallingford, Connecticut, United States 06492
  • Date Found: June 7, 2011
  • Banded: Don't Know
  • Microchipped: Don't Know
  • Phone Number: (203) xxx-xxxx

her name is Hermes.she was lost and found in wallingford ct 5 miles from her home! we live in an area where there are coyotes,hawks, and bobcats, so we doubt if she didn’t find us ,that she would have made it. her owner Dan was very happy to be reunited with her, as she was missing for 2 days before we found her πŸ™‚


I’m wondering if you could please help me. I called the ct parrot society to report that I found a lost african gray congo.fortunately I was able to find the rightful owner, but I am still receiving phone calls about people that have lost ALL kinds of birds! I’m wondering if you could please figure out how my phone number has been published and please remove it, and the alert from any bird rescue sites!! my number is 203-284-xxxx. I would appreciate any help you can give me, as people are literally calling me all hours of the day and night.


FOUND Bird vicinity of Hemingway Dr., Wlfd. Owner may call to identify.

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