- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Bakersfield, California, United States 93313
- Date Found: December 28, 2011
- Phone Number: 530-966-six-nine-one-zero
- Original URL: http://bakersfield.craigslist.org/laf/2772838209.html
Found Pet Bird: Cockatiel (Bakersfield, CA), Found a Cockatiel on our lawn in the Treasures South community, near Panama and Ashe in Bakersfield.. The Cockatiel looks injured and has wings that are long enough that it probably escaped from someone’s home via flight. So it could have come from another housing section.
Time Found: 11:45AM
Date: 12/28/2011
If you believe it might be yours, please call: 530-966-six-nine-one-zero.