
  • Species: Conure - Black Capped (See species list for details)
  • Location: Newport News, Virginia, United States 23608
  • Date Lost: April 9, 2010
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

1-year-old Black-Capped Conure (approx. 10” from head to tail) with olive green cheeks, B&W feathers on chest/neck, red underwings, turquoise flight feathers, and a black beak. Flew from Clipper Creek/Fort Eustis neighborhood on 4/9/2010 at 6pm. (2-years-old and 4 months as of 7/2011) Blackjack loves saying his name repeatedly (even during sleep) or calling “Kiwi,” his flockmate. He doesn’t like to bathe, but will tolerate a bath if he’s perched on your finger while you allow sink water to quietly drip on him in the dark. Loves fruits like strawberries, grapes, and apples. Looks very excited and eager for a treat if you’re snacking from a bag of chips.

Blackjack is missed dearly every day. We haven’t had any word or calls since last April 2010, but still continue to search for him. Please contact Veronica @ (757) 285-5850 or Edward @ (757) 589-3147 if you have any information about his whereabouts. We are offering REWARD for his safe return. Thank you for your time reading this post!

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