
  • Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
  • Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1B 3L1
  • Streets: 417/174 Split
  • Date Lost: June 20, 2011
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

He likes to talk about how he (Gandalf) is a bad bird, tells himself to “shut up” frequently. He also likes to say poop and grape a lot. He also loves to say “Hello” and “Hi!” as well as “Give me kiss, [kiss noises]”. He is still partially trimmed, and had two small bumps on his head from where he has tried to fly up to the bed and missed (and hit the wall). You may sometimes hear him saying “good boy”, “Greg”, “Amy”, “Joe” as well as making video game noises and imitating the small dogs upstairs little bark. When he gets stressed he plucks his leg feathers, so he may be missing some of them when you see him.

See news article about missing Gandalf:–gandalf-the-parrot-needs-your-help-ottawa

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