- Species: Quaker Green (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, United States 53213
- Date Found: July 27, 2013
- Banded: Yes
FOUND– A Quaker Parrot flew into our backyard on the date of about ???? 7.27.2013. It has been loved and cared for this whole time, but it is time for us to try and locate the owner for return. It is banded, it has four letter, two of them are in a vertical position, the other two horizontal. Vertical is IM, horizontal is VB. Three numbers follow. If you would like to call me, 414-640-1850.
-IM /VB ???
FOUND WI, Wauwatosa Quaker Parrot July 27-13