- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Streets: Westridge Estates apartments area, 172st and 76 ave
- Date Lost: September 8, 2012
- Contact Person: Call Carole at
- Phone Number: 780-483-2749 or 780-489-6124 or 780-960-0665 if no answer at other 2 numbers.
- Original URL: http://alberta.kijiji.ca/c-community-lost-found-LOST-1-hour-ago-in-Callingwood-Grey-and-white-Cockatiel-W0QQAdIdZ411896729
LOST! in Callingwood, Grey and white Cockatiel
named Maggie
she is grey and white with orange cheeks
Westridge Estates apartments area, 172st and 76 aveCall Carole at: 780-483-2749s
or 780-489-6124
or 780-960-0665 if no answer at other 2 numbers.