
  • Species: Quaker (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
  • Location: Town of Tonawanda, New York, United States 14223
  • Date Lost: August 21, 2012
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

He has a “collick” on the top of his head near his the top of his beak. He responds to his name, Henry. He likes cheesepuffs, green beans, and grapes. He also says, “Where’s Henry”, “Good morning”, “Whatcha doing”, “gimme Kiss” and makes smooching noises. He sometimes nips, but calms down when you say, “good boy” and pet him. He likes to cuddle and plays hide ‘n seek – the “where’s Henry”? He is about 1 `1/2 years old.

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