- Species: Quaker (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: Beebe, Arkansas, United States
- Date Lost: May 13, 2012
- Phone Number: 501-286-1418
- Original URL: http://littlerock.craigslist.org/pet/3004844233.html
Lost quaker in beebe area. if found please call me at 501-two eight six —one four 18 he opened cage door and flew out. i really miss him. he is blue probably looks green to untrained eye. getting in his adult feathers -at about 7 to 8 months old. wings not trimmed due to cat in the home….if found please call. he got spotted on east Missippi street i know someone took him in…..i have not much money but i will pay to get him home;….he is my only pet i ever claimed…..i need him back for my little son ===just please call and do not keep…. i am a bird trainer i will gladly buy u another one and feed it so it is hand tame—just like mine and pay for his safe return and ur bird will love u and your family …my bird misses me but someone has it caught…. i can not eat nor sleep till i see his return he was put in a new large cage and opened the cage door on the side–smart he calls me all the time===pretty please return him…..my number is listed at the top
- Location: Beebe
- it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 3004844233