- Species: Parrot - General (See species list for details)
- Location: Moline/Wayland, Michigan, United States 49348
- Date Lost: May 6, 2012
- Phone Number: 616-399-5003
- Original URL: http://grandrapids.craigslist.org/pet/3000112934.html
LOST PARROT BIRD (moline/dorr/wayland/byron center)
Our bird flew out of the house today! We live in Hunters Glen in North Wayland. Right by Moline. It is a green parrot that knows how to whistle. We looked around the park but no luck! Please, if you find a green bird around the area please let us know! e-mail me, text, or call me if you have found him. His name is Rasco and is very sweet. He can whistle a few short tones. His favorite is yankee doodle. My number is 616-3eight95zerozero3. Please let me know if you have caught him or have seen him! Thank you!!