- Species: African Grey (See species list for details)
- Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States 32308
- Streets: Jasmine Dr. and The Hammocks subdivision
- Date Lost: April 16, 2012
- Phone Number: 850-294-3468
- Original URL: http://tallahassee.craigslist.org/laf/2960916093.html
LOST African Grey Parrot (Jasmine Dr)
My African Grey parrot got away from me yesterday around 5pm. Please keep your eyes and ears on the trees around Jasmine Dr. and The Hammocks subdivision. I fear she won’t fair to well in the wild which is stressing me out
Her name is “Tonga” and she bites everyone but me.
I have hand fed her as a baby and now she is about 4 years old.Call me if you see her @294-3468. Thank you everyone