
  • Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
  • Location: Miami Beach, Florida, United States 33140
  • Date Lost: February 18, 2012
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

We found her! We’ll let our neighbors, local businesses, etc know, cancel our alerts, and take the flyers. A neighbor heard her whistling, got her to whistle back, then their little girl saw her, then they called us! Best day ever
Cash Reward for Return!

Our parrot, Diva, was last seen 2/18/12, flying North on La Gorce Drive at 52nd St. She has a grey body, bright red tail, and a closed left leg band. She will respond to whistles, including The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and may “talk.” Please, if you find her, call Al at (305) xxx-xxxx or Meghan at (786) xxx-xxxx. We will pick her up.

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