- Species: Rosella - Eastern (See species list for details)
- Location: Santa Barbara, California, United States 93101
- Date Lost: February 2, 2012
- Banded: Yes
- Microchipped: No
- Phone Number: (805) 569-1714
Beautiful voice. Two -tone call very distinct, low-to-high. Band on left leg. Beak darkish, needs meds for beak. One nostril closed up/scarred. Will get onto human’s finger,
But not stay to be carried. Not tame. Must be toweled to be picked up. Okay with dogs. Has been lost twice before and survived. That’s how she found us five years ago.
Favorite treats: Unshelled, no salt peanut bits. Blk oil sunflw seed. Apple, cut up, only fruit. Likes celery. Will eat small parrot food.