
My TAME yellow parakeet escaped from her cage at 12 noon Monday jan. 16th. She might answer to “Mickie” or to the type of “whistle sound” when you see or flirt with a pretty girl.
She is basically a very bright sunny yellow color, no black on her face or body. Wings/ flight feathers are white and she has a few light green spots on her tummy.
PLEASE call us ANYTIME of day or night if you see her someplace or can catch her. You can email me also via craigslist.
904 – 794-0929 or 471-0790
LOST near: 16th Street off and The Commodores Club Condos area. WEST end of Commodores Club Blvd. at 509 Peninsula Court. She flew south of there.
Most likely between: 16th Street, 1A, Cedar Ridge Court, & Smiling Fish Lane.
PLEASE try to catch her. $20 REWARD. Mickie is the YELLOW BIRD on perch and also on fingers. Sweet bird that is probably terrified right now.

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