- Species: Senegal (See species list for details)
- Location: Point Richmond, California, United States 94801
- Date Lost: January 4, 2012
- Phone Number: 707-771-9719 or 707-771-9718
- Original URL: http://sfbay@.craigslist.org/eby/laf/2783903729.html
He was in his favorite place, a tree in front of hour house eating his favorite food, red berries, and the next moment he was gone. This was about 4pm today, January 4, in the Seacliff area of Point Richmond. I was sitting in front of the house keeping an eye on him. We searched from 4-6:15. If anyone runs across the little guy please call 707-771-9719 or 707-771-9718.
His wings are clipped, he cannot fly, but that does not seem to have helped. His name is Spike. He would probably get on your finger without an argument.
If we are so fortunate as to get him back, his days in trees, anywhere but the back yard, are over.