- Species: Cockatiel - White Faced (See species list for details)
- Location: Cornelius, North Carolina, United States 28031
- Date Lost: January 1, 2010
- Banded: No
- Microchipped: No
- Contact Person: Marsha Marold
- Phone Number: 704-881-4891
- Original URL: http://lostandfoundpetsamerica.com/ads/cockatiel-grey-white/
I have been searching for 2 years for my Inky. Although he could be anywhere, he is in my heart as I know I am in his. I know how fit he was when he left my side that awful day. I do not know his condition today or if there are any growths. There were things I hummed and whistled to him. I believe he would know me when he sees me again however, I have always hoped he would not be sad and wonder why I do not come for him and I only hope he is well taken care of whoever has him and I would love to know this, even if we were never together again. Its the not knowing what happened to my Inky that hurts.
White Face…Grey and White Feathers. No other colors.