
  • Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
  • Location: Skiatook, Oklahoma, United States 74070
  • Date Lost: November 24, 2011
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

Our very friendly standard gray Cockatiel bird was lost on Thanksgiving Day around 1:30 pm. He was on my shoulder and I just walked out the door to turn the meat on the cooker without thinking about him being with me. He flew north from our home in Skiatook, Ok. We checked the neighborhoods the rest of the day and the following day calling his name and knocking on doors to see if anyone had seen him. “Harley” has a large vocabulary, from “Harley is a pretty bird” to “Stop it!”. He knows his name very well and comes when he is called. “Come here” is what we say when we want him to come get on our shoulder and Harley says “Come here” when he wants us to come over to pick him up. He eats almost everything from seeds to meat and he likes milk and playing in water. Crunchy Nuggets from Walmart is his favorite cereal and he sings with certain music. He has had free range throughout the house where he can eat and drink when he wants and needs to be with people. Probably 80% of every day he was on someone’s shoulder or on the top of their head. If you see this neat little guy, please contact us. THANK YOU!

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