- Species: Cockatiel (See species list for details)
- Location: San Jose, California, United States 95128
- Date Lost: October 21, 2011
- Phone Number: 408-830-4814, 295-6341, 661-7844
- Original URL: http://sfbay@.craigslist.org/sby/pet/2675731352.html
From the 400 block of N. 12th St, around the 21st of October, I lost my sister’s bird, while she was on vacation, the little buzzard escaped on my watch. Please help us find him…3 year old male Cockatiel. Banded, fairly docile. Flys well(oops) BANDIT has a nice “Do Wop” curl, responds to females. (Aviarian and Human) Please call us, so we can try and catch him. He does ‘(wolf) whistle’
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PostingID: 2675731352