- Species: Quaker Green (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: Orlando, Waterford Lakes, Florida, United States 32825
- Date Lost: May 11, 2024
- Banded: Yes
- Microchipped: No
He also goes by “Chicken”. He likes loud kisses. His wings are not clipped. He is 8 yrs old. He is green. He’s nearby but in the woods near me. He hears me but doesn’t fly to me. I can’t see him. Please help.
I was going out every hour and calling him. At around 5:30 PM, I went back out and called for him. He called back but his chirps were going farther away. I chased after his sounds and found him in a tree. I shook his favorite snack (millet) and after 5 mins of calling him, giving him air kisses, he finally flew down to my hand and ate the millet. Thank you so much everyone!!!