- Species: Quaker (Monk Parakeet) (See species list for details)
- Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States 23456
- Streets: Topaz St, Shooting Star & Sunstream
- Date Lost: September 1, 2011
- Banded: Yes
- Microchipped: No
- Contact Person: Mary
Hi, my name is Mary Pastrana, I lost my Quaker Thursday around at 1:00pm, and I am located in Virginia Beach, my neighborhood it is close to Sunstream Parkway, Topaz Street, and Shooting Star.
My bird name is Pichu he is green, tail blue with lime green and gray. He talks a lot and he is bilingual he will talk Spanish and English. His most common words are: Pichu his name, Mama, Papa, Baby or El bebe the baby, I love you, Guly my dog name, Cookie or Cuco my other dog name.
In Spanish he can say, Vente, means come, Que rico, means mmm yummy, He will say me voy, means am leaving, He can say Que lindo pajarito, meaning how cute the birdy, He can also say que pasa or que te pasa meaning what’s going on. He also say agua meaning water, pan meaning bread, dame, meaning give me, corre corre, meaning run run. And he has a very funny laugh and likes to say Mmmm, mmmm.
If you have seeing my bird on your backyard, please contact me as soon as possible or if you have found it please; I will reward the person who find my bird. My contact information its: 787-300-9534 cell, 757-321-3415 home and email ines_0375@yahoo.com
If you find him or see him please know that: loud noises will scare him away, door slamming, plastic containers and trash bags. He is friendly and might come down if you have a piece of bread.