
Very cute female parakeet must’ve Houdini’d her way out of her cage and flown out the door yesterday. I’m completely dumbfounded. My 3 other parakeets are still here, 2 of which were actually having their out-of-cage time. So it makes no sense that she’s the one missing. I turned the house upside down looking for her last night and still had hopes she’d pop up this morning, but no such luck. She’s a very pretty sky blue, has white wings (with just a hint of yellow to them), a white stripe across her chest, and a light yellow head. She’s a very sweet girl and steps up if approached slowly. She’s pretty well. She’s never even tried to bite me, but since she is a little skittish, she won’t hesitate to take off if she feels threatened. I know the chances of me getting her back are slim to none, but I gotta try. We’re very sad she’s gone and her partner is missing her. Please contact me if found or spotted. Area of Oak Park Ave and 26th St. Thank you!!

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