
  • Species: Cockatiel - White Faced (See species list for details)
  • Location: Kansas City, Kansas, United States 66109
  • Date Lost: November 10, 2020
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

A lovely woman at the Burge Bird Rescue in Grandview, MO suggested this website.

Our sweet little cockatiel demands to be in the same room with her people at all times. If we’re in the kitchen so is she. If I’m in the basement, she’s down there looking out the window. I can’t imagine what she must be going through since she’s been out. We’re devastated and overwhelmed with sadness and guilt.

She was last seen in the wooded area east of “Estates of Connor Creek” in the Piper area of KCK/near the Family Tree Nursery/Wolcott Exit on I-435.

She whistles the Andy Griffith theme song, the Addams Family theme song, and the Imperial March from Star Wars to name a few. She also like to create her own remix of those songs in different orders and throws in creative wolf whistles as well. She can say “pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty bird, pretty birdie”.

She’s a chow hound and likes all kinds of food, but especially likes popcorn and cheese. She’ll land on your shoulder or if you put out a finger (like it’s a perch) but will fly away if you try to “grab her”.

Hoping for a miracle!! Thank you.

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