
Our cockatiel, who flew from home on 9/4/09, has yet to return. He is extremely friendly, so our hope is that he has hung around people, rather than raptor habitats. Petey is bright yellow from crest to tail, although his wings and a few ventral tailfeathers are dark grey. He has lovely orange cheeks and pink legs/toes/nails, with a black metal i.d. band on one ankle. Should anyone find him and have the inclination to keep him, please bear in mind: these are very intelligent and sociable birds, who bond with their first families as they would with a flock or a mate. Petey had been with us for his entire 8 years. His physical and emotional health will be best supported by the people who love him and whom he loves in return. Please inform us of any sightings, regardless of how distant from the neighborhood shown. A fully flighted bird could have covered hundreds of miles by now, or be a block away. We just don’t know. Any information is appreciated. Our thanks to all who have aided us during this agonizing time. “Hope is the thing with feathers…” Cindy and Rick


Age: 8
Sex: male
Common Saying: n/a
Medical Issues: healthy when last seen
Reward?: yes
Comments: Petey is an “only” bird, and we are his beloved flock. Please help us
find each other!

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